Bei Geschenken zählt nicht der Preis, sondern der Gedanke. - HappyHugPixels
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When it comes to gifts, it's the thought that counts, not the price.

by Daniel Zellmer on Jul 08, 2024

Small Gifts Preserve Friendships - An Artist Shares His Experiences

As an artist at, I am Daniel Zellmer, and I am here today to talk to you about a topic that is very close to my heart: Small gifts preserve friendships. This simple yet meaningful statement has always inspired me as I create my artworks and send them to my friends and loved ones. Today, I want to share my experiences with you and show you why this statement is so important, especially in today's world.

The Importance of Small Gifts

In a world where much is digitized and virtual, small, personal gifts can bring true joy. They show that we make an effort to honor and appreciate our friends and loved ones. These small gestures can be in the form of homemade cookies, painted pictures, or even simple but carefully chosen accessories. It is not important how much money is spent, but that the gift comes from the heart and the person receiving it feels that they are important.

My Experiences as an Artist

As an artist, I am always looking for new ideas and ways to share my artworks and honor my friends and loved ones. I have found that small gifts I send them not only bring joy but also strengthen our friendship. An example of this is my popular Sakura Zen Japan print, which depicts a beautiful Asian landscape. I sent it to my friends, who greatly appreciated it and thanked me for my thoughtfulness.

Tips and Tricks for Small Gifts

If you are wondering what you can send as a small gift, here are some of my tips and tricks:

  1. Personalized Gifts: Send personal gifts tailored to the interests and preferences of your friends. For example, if a friend is a big fan of travel, you can send them a travel poster that shows their travel destinations.
  2. Creativity: Be creative and think of things you can make yourself. Homemade cookies or painted pictures are always welcome and show that you make an effort to honor your friends.
  3. Inexpensive Accessories: If you don't have much time or aren't creative, you can rely on inexpensive accessories like t-shirts or hoodies. These small gifts can also bring joy and show that you are thinking of your friends.

Tip: Make sure your gifts are personal and meaningful. It is not about the material value but about the gesture and attention you give your friends.


Small gifts preserve friendships - this is the motto I am sharing with you today. This simple statement has always inspired me to share my artworks and honor my friends and loved ones. I hope that my experiences and tips will help you strengthen your friendships and create new, wonderful experiences.


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