Top 8 Feng Shui Tipps - Wohlfühlen für Anfänger - HappyHugPixels
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Top 8 Feng Shui Tips - Feeling Good for Beginners

by Daniel Zellmer on Jul 07, 2024

Regular Cleaning Can Free the Mind: Top 8 Feng Shui Tips to Make Your Life Better

As an artist at, I am always looking for new ways to harmonize my surroundings and my inner self. One of the most important elements is regular cleaning. But why is this so important? And how can it be done effectively? Today, I want to share my top 8 Feng Shui tips to help you organize your spaces and improve your energy.

1. Natural Light

Light is essential in Feng Shui. A room feels more inviting when natural light enters through the windows. If natural light is scarce, warm, atmospheric lighting can help. However, in the bedroom, too much light is inappropriate as it disrupts the circadian rhythm and makes it difficult to reach a deep relaxation phase.

2. Round Shapes

For a harmonious atmosphere, choose furniture with round, curved shapes and as few corners as possible, and opt for natural materials. Decorations made from organic materials like wood can also help create a balanced environment.

3. Open Spaces

To promote energy flow, entrances and pathways between rooms should not be blocked, and the center of the room should be kept as open as possible. This creates an inviting atmosphere and supports positive energy flow.

4. Cleanliness and Order

A home free from clutter and disorder is always beneficial. Too many items lying around create subconscious unrest and disrupt inner balance. Wilted flowers or broken items should be removed as soon as possible, as they can evoke negative emotions.

5. Natural Decorations

Plants, flowers, and nature-inspired images can create a balanced environment in any room. These elements help promote positive energy and eliminate negative energies.

6. Furniture Made from Natural Materials

Furniture made from natural materials like wood or stone can support positive energy. These materials have a natural, organic structure that positively influences energy flow.

7. Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential to maintain positive energy and eliminate negative energies. This helps free the mind and create a harmonious atmosphere.

8. Decorations to Your Liking

Surround yourself consciously with things that bring you joy and remove anything that produces negative energies. Decorations should reflect your personality and desires to promote positive energy.

Regular cleaning is an important step to maintaining positive energy in our spaces and eliminating negative energies. By applying these 8 Feng Shui tips, we can create a harmonious environment and improve our well-being. Try to integrate these tips into your daily life and see how your surroundings and your mind change.


  1. The Best Decluttering and Organization Methods for Your Home - YogaEasy
  2. Feng Shui in the Bedroom | Superba Atelier Suisse
  3. Feng Shui in the Household – Cleanliness, Order, and a Harmonious Kitchen - Haushaltsfee
  4. 10 Feng Shui Tips by Daniela - Feng Shui Golden Home

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