Low Sense? High DPI? Die Frage aller Gamer - HappyHugPixels
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Low Sense? High DPI? The Question for All Gamers

by Daniel Zellmer on Jul 09, 2024

High Sense and Low Sense Settings for Gaming Mice

As an artist at Happyhugpixels.com, I am always on the lookout for the best settings for my gaming mouse. In this article, I want to delve into the two basic settings, High Sense and Low Sense, and show you why it is important to adjust these settings to the specific game.

High Sense and Low Sense - What Does It Mean?

The sensitivity and DPI (Dots per Inch) settings of my gaming mouse are crucial for my gaming performance. High Sense means that my mouse is very sensitive to my hand movements, while Low Sense means the mouse is less sensitive. The DPI setting determines how many pixels my mouse moves per inch when I move it.

Why Is High Sense Better?

Some players prefer High Sense because it allows them to shoot very accurately and quickly. This is particularly useful in games where fast reflexes and precise aiming are required. An example of this is the game "Squad", where I often have to aim over 300 meters. Here, High Sense is very helpful as I can shoot very accurately and quickly.

Why Is Low Sense Better?

On the other hand, some players prefer Low Sense because it allows them to control their movements more precisely. This is particularly useful in games where slow and precise movements are required. An example of this is the game "Warzone", where I often need slow and precise movements to outmaneuver or outsmart my opponents.

Which Settings Are Best?

The best setting depends on the specific game and the player's personal preferences. Some players prefer High Sense with high DPI, while others prefer Low Sense with low DPI. However, there are also players who use a combination of both settings to achieve the best gaming performance.

How Can I Adjust My Settings?

To adjust my settings to the specific game, I can do several things:

  • For example, I can adjust the DPI setting to control the speed of my mouse.
  • I can also adjust the sensitivity to control the responsiveness of my mouse.
  • It is important that I regularly adjust my settings to achieve the best gaming performance.

Mouse DPI Calculator


In this article, I have shown why High Sense and Low Sense settings for gaming mice are important and how to adjust these settings to the specific game. It is important for players to regularly adjust their settings to achieve the best gaming performance. I hope this article has helped you better understand your settings and improve your gaming performance.

Daniel Zellmer


  • Overclock.net: "Is Higher DPI with low sensitivity better?" (2020-04-04)
  • YouTube: "HIGH SENSITIVITY vs. LOW SENSITIVITY in Warzone" (2022-05-31)
  • Teamfortress.tv: "High DPI + Low Sens vs Low DPI + High Sens" (2022-01-14)
  • Reddit: "High DPi, low sens // Low DPi, high sens" (2023-12-21)

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