Aborigines Mann auf Alu - Dibond - Platte: UV - Tinten, inkl. Halterung - Alu Dibond bei HappyHugPixels
Aborigines Mann auf Alu - Dibond - Platte: UV - Tinten, inkl. Halterung - Alu Dibond bei HappyHugPixels
Aborigines Mann auf Alu - Dibond - Platte: UV - Tinten, inkl. Halterung - Alu Dibond bei HappyHugPixels
Aborigines Mann auf Alu - Dibond - Platte: UV - Tinten, inkl. Halterung - Alu Dibond bei HappyHugPixels

Aboriginal man on aluminum dibond plate: UV inks, light-resistant, includes wall mount

Size: 40x60cm
  • Vorraussichtliches Lieferdatum:Feb 20 - Feb 24

  • Zu spät?: Einfach einen Geschenkgutschein schenken

29 Leute schauen sich gerade dieses Produkt an.
Produkt Beschreibung
  • High-quality aluminum Dibond plate (3 mm) for excellent image quality
  • Printing with long-lasting UV inks for brilliant and reflection-free motif reproduction
  • Particularly high light and UV resistance for long-lasting color brilliance
  • Includes sturdy wall bracket and spacers for easy and safe installation

Experience the fascinating Aboriginal culture on a new level with this high-quality print on aluminum dibond panel. The motif shows an Aboriginal man, whose expressive depiction reflects the rich culture and history of this indigenous people of Australia. The printing is done with long-lasting UV inks on a high-quality aluminum Dibond plate, which enables brilliant and reflection-free motif reproduction in bright colors. Thanks to the particularly high light and UV resistance, the work of art retains its color brilliance over a long period of time. For easy and safe installation, we provide a sturdy wall bracket and spacers. Available in sizes 40x60cm, 60x80cm and 70x100cm, this work of art is a real eye-catcher in any room.



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Name: Daniel Zellmer
Adresse: Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 39, 14059 Berlin, Deutschland
Marke: Happyhugpixels
Hersteller: Happyhugpixels
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Adresse: Sophie-Charlotten-Str. 39, 14059 Berlin
E-Mail: info@happyhugpixels.com
Webseite: happyhugpixels.com


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