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Constant joy instead of brief moments on New Year's Eve

by Daniel Zellmer on Dec 28, 2023

A spark of transience versus lasting joy

As the New Year approaches, it is a common tradition to welcome the New Year with fireworks. While these twinkling lights in the sky provide a moment of fascination, they disappear as quickly as they appear. It is often forgotten that this short-lived joy comes with significant costs and disadvantages. Not only for your own wallet, but also for the environment, animals and general public cleanliness.

Long-term joy through personal items

An alternative that is both environmentally friendly and long-lasting is to purchase personal items such as posters, mouse pads or t-shirts. These objects can be carefully selected to beautify your home all year round. They offer the opportunity to reflect the personality and preferences of the individual and create an atmosphere of joy and well-being in one's home.

The psychological effect of a pleasant living atmosphere

It has been scientifically proven that a pleasant and personally designed living atmosphere can increase general well-being. Posters that show inspiring quotes or beautiful landscapes, mouse pads designed with personal motifs, or T-shirts that evoke memories of special events can create positive feelings every day. In contrast, the rush of fireworks is quickly gone, often leaving only a memory of a short, cold night.

The negative effects of fireworks

In addition to the short pleasure and the high costs, fireworks also have other negative aspects. Many animals suffer from the noise and the unusual amount of lights. In addition, setting off fireworks is harmful to the environment as it increases air pollution and leaves behind waste that often has to be laboriously cleaned up by municipal services.

An investment in the future

By purchasing personal items, you are investing in items that not only beautify your home, but can also be a source of joy and inspiration over a long period of time. This type of investment not only makes more financial sense, but also supports a more sustainable lifestyle.


Welcoming the New Year with fireworks may be a popular tradition, but it's worth considering alternatives. Posters, mouse pads and t-shirts that brighten up the home all year round provide a constant source of joy. Not only are they more environmentally friendly and animal friendly, but they are also an investment in your own well-being and in a more sustainable future.

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